HomeHealthIdentifying Indigent Households in Kenya for SHIF Insurance

Identifying Indigent Households in Kenya for SHIF Insurance

In Kenya, indigent household are those who cannot meet basic need. They therefore, qualify for government financial assistance. The government, through the Authority, conducts a means of Identifying Indigent Households in Kenya for SHIF insurance using a means-testing tool. This tool actively assesses income levels, living conditions, and other criteria to determine who requires support.

Who Qualifies as Indigent in Kenya?

Households that struggle to afford essentials like food, shelter, healthcare, and education qualify as indigent. These households usually have little to no regular income. Low-income families, the elderly, and people with disabilities often fall into this category. The Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Protection, and county governments collaborate to pinpoint these households and ensure they receive help.

Government Action in Supporting Indigent Households

Once finished with Identifying Indigent Households in Kenya for SHIF Insurance ,the ministries submit the list of qualifying households to the Authority. The national and county governments then take responsibility for paying their contributions. The Ministry of Social Protection handles the contributions for the national government. On the county level, the County Executive Committee member for social protection oversees these payments.

By taking swift action, the government ensures indigent households receive the financial assistance they need without delays.

Calculating and Paying Contributions

The government calculates contributions for each household based on statistical data and actuarial models. These figures are guided by the benefits packages outlined in the regulations’ schedules. Each year, both the national and county governments must remit these contributions on behalf of the indigent households they support.

Ensuring Timely Payments

To maintain efficiency, the national and county governments must pay these contributions within nine days of the due date. The Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury oversees and ensures timely payments for the national government. Meanwhile, the County Executive Committee member responsible for the County Treasury ensures prompt payments at the county level.

With clear deadlines and proper oversight, the government guarantees that indigent households receive uninterrupted financial support, helping improve their quality of life.